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Drying of MAP in bulk with air ducts

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Drying (and storage of Medicinal & Aromatic Plants on concrete slotted ventilation floor. The ventilated floor is the optimal solution when a special building for loose bulk drying of MAP is being build. The dry air is distributed equally under the product, so all the product will be dried equally.

Example of a practical and easy way for filling hall with Other possibilities are with a shovel or a special crane on the roof. The height is depending on the product and the desired rotation. It can be from 60-80 cm to 4+ mtr.

Angular cut of slotted ventilation floor and technical room.

alongside cross cut of product air ducts and pressure chambers

Cross-cut of storage with slotted ventilation floor and technical floor. Air is extracted from outside and heated. The air is forced by high pressure fans through the product to absorb moisture. Damp air will be evacuated to the outside. The drying will continue until the equilibrium moisture with the outside air has been achieved. The MAP will be regularly being re-ventilated when outside air is dry enough to evacuate the final moisture and lower the moisture content of the MAP.

When the drying room is provided with an air-drying installation by condensation or a central hybrid air dryer, a second drying will automatically start after the pre-drying. With the dried air, the MAP will quickly be being dried to the desired low level. This will be being achieved with only inside air.The ABC processor will control the drying process automatically.

Bulk storage on slotted ventilation floor.

Ventilation with dry air from the openings in the floor through the MAP.

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